This past Saturday was Maddie's 5th birthday party at Pirate's Cove in Elk Grove Village. After some on and off storms it ended up to be a really nice evening. I remember going to Pirate's Cove as a kid, but I didn't remember and of the specifics. Of course, I remembered everything to be much bigger but that is because I was probably 7 or 8 the last time I was there. Jen was able to get the big pirate ship in the middle of the park for the party which every other kid in the park tried to get on also. Needless to say some kids got bounced. Here's all the Rodriguez babies at the party.

The B-man sporting a mustache.

Maddie enjoying her delicious cupcake made by Cait.

Maddie had a special request for hot pink frosting and Cait was able to make some with food coloring that ended up looking like melted bubblegum or a watermelon Laffy Taffy. Here it is all over GiGi's face.

Olivia had fun on the merry-go-round but had a tough time leaving because she was going to miss the dragons. Poor Olivia. Ha.